Wish List

NOTE: CARDV provides services to survivors of all genders, race, age, ability/Disability, and more! We are deeply grateful for all donations, the majority of which are most useful for white, cisgender women and men; still, we are also in need of items designed by and for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, LGBTQIA+, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and all other folks in our county who are members of a community with unique challenges when victimized by violence. We cannot thank you enough for keeping this in mind as you shop for donations for our resilient and steadfast clients!
Hygiene Items
Children/Baby Items

Additional Misc. Items

    • OTC Medicine (Tylenol, Midol, Tums, etc.)
    • Hair Products
    • Bobby Pins and Hair Ties
    • Hair Brushes/Combs
    • Chapstick
    • Dry Shampoo
    • Q-Tips
    • Makeup Remover

      Gift Cards

      • Walmart Cards
      • Visa Gift Cards
      • Casey’s Gas Cards

      Cleaning/Household Supplies

      • Laundry Detergent
      • Liquid Dish Soap
      • All-Purpose Cleaner/Disinfectant
      • Toilet Paper
      • Paper Towels
      • Tissues
      • Office Supplies/Planners/Journals

      Moving and Travel Items

      • Duffle Bags/Suitcases
      • Sturdy Bags (Messenger Bags, etc)
      • Pet carriers
      • Portable phone chargers

      Clothing & Furniture Donations

      These items are often needed; however, storage space is limited.  Please contact us to confirm storage space and/or need.

      We could not do what we do without our incredible donors. Your time and support are endlessly appreciated!


      Before coming to our office, please contact us to arrange a drop-off time. This allows us to continue to provide safety and confidentiality for our clients.

      Contact our Volunteer Coordinator by calling our office 573-642-1418 to coordinate a time and location for drop-off.