Every Blue Jay

CARDV is thrilled to be collaborating with Westminster College on their new campus grant. Westminster applied for this grant to enhance supportive services in reducing gender-based violence on campus.

This page is under construction. We aim to have extensive resources listed here specific to students’ needs as we develop those materials. We are working diligently with Westminster’s Every Blue Jay team to increase accessibility of services, shift campus culture to one that is unwelcoming of gender-based violence, and enhance the bystander skills of all students, faculty, and staff.

A CARDV Advocate will be available on Westminster College campus every Wednesday from 9am-1pm in case survivors need a confidential ally. The Advocate’s office is located in Westminster Hall, downstairs across from the Wellness Center in the Learning Opportunities Center (LOC). Just walk up to the LOC front desk and ask for Liz! If you have experienced dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking and want someone to talk to, please feel free to stop by during this time to learn more about what help is available to you!

Advocacy services are FREE and you are never obligated to report anything to the college or to law enforcement if you meet with an Advocate. It is a space solely for getting emotional support, learning more about various options of reporting to see if that’s something you want to do, and to connect with resources to meet your emotional and physical safety needs. We are here for you no matter the path you want to take!


If you need Advocacy services outside of this time frame, feel free to contact CARDV:

  • 24/7 Help Line: 573-642-4422
  • Business Hours Text-Line: 573-299-0088
  • Email: staff@callawaycardv.org (or ecato@callawaycardv.org if you want to directly reach Liz, the Advocate who will be on campus)


OR contact your campus resources if you prefer to work with Westminster staff (these resources listed are still confidential):

  • Business hours: To make an appointment call The Wellness Center at 573-592-5361, campus extension 5361 or drop by in the lower level of Westminster Hall
  • After-hours: Call campus security (573-592-5555) to request a confidential Westminster counselor